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June 10, 2007

Lieberman: ‘We’ve Got To Be Prepared To Take Aggressive Military Action’ Against Iran

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

You can see the video at the link.

Link: Think Progress » Lieberman: ‘We’ve Got To Be Prepared To Take Aggressive Military Action’ Against Iran.

“I think we have to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq,” Lieberman said. Host Bob Schieffer followed-up: “Let’s just stop right there. Because I think you probably made some news here, Senator Lieberman. You’re saying that if the Iranians don’t let up, that the United States should take military action?” “I am,” Lieberman responded. Lieberman added that “if there’s any hope” of stopping Iran’s nuclear program, “we can’t just talk to them. … We’ve got to use our force and to me that would include taking military action.”

Posted at 7:11 PM


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