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June 23, 2005
ABP EXCLUSIVE: The Next Terrorist Bombings In Iraq
With out any hesitancy, and careful analysis of the terrain, along with the terrorist belief system, we here at the ABP have concluded where the next bombings will be in Iraq.... read on...
Link: Evangelicals Building a Base in Iraq.
With arms outstretched, the congregation at National Evangelical Baptist Church belted out a praise hymn backed up by drums, electric guitar and keyboard. In the corner, slide images of Jesus filled a large screen. A simple white cross of wood adorned the stage, and worshipers sprinkled the pastor's Bible-based sermon with approving shouts of "Ameen!"National is Iraq's first Baptist congregation and one of at least seven new Christian evangelical churches established in Baghdad in the past two years. Its Sunday afternoon service, in a building behind a house on a quiet street, draws a couple of hundred worshipers who like the lively music and focus on the Bible.
Posted at 8:03 AM
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